Engrish of the Day

Engrish of the Day
This is what I need!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Shiner

Nuff said? Not quite...This all takes place last week (talk about being behind)

I get home from work Friday night (the 22nd) and get monkey right to bed since it's 7:30 when I get home. We get up Saturday and we're playing and having a good time, then comes shower time with Daddy. We all come upstairs and Daddy and Gavin get in the shower. I do a few things while he's washing monkey and then he calls for me to come get him. I get him out of the shower and have him on the bed drying him off and getting him dressed when I notice his right eye looks funny.

So I look a little closer and yell to Mike, "Gavin has a black eye, What happened before I got home lastnight?" Mike comes out of the shower and says "Yeah right, where?" Like I'm making up a story about the little one having a shiner. So he examines his face and then says "I dunno, he didn't fall"

So I'm like wracking my brain trying to figure out what the hell could have given him a black eye. No note from daycare so it had to happen at home. All weekend I'm going crazy trying to figure this out and I keep telling myself the only explaination is he fell at daycare and they didn't say anything.

So Monday (the 25th) I take him to daycare bright and early, 6:15, maybe I should say dark, early and cold.
And ask them if he happened to have fallen at school Friday. The woman's response "Yeah we have the accident report the afternoon people didn't give it to your mom for some reason" So I'm immediately like nobody told her either? And she replies "they said since it was grandma they didn't know if they should"

HELLO everyday for a year now she picks him up from school WTF why would you not tell the person picking the child up "oh by the way he did a face plant on the tile today so he might get a bruise" Not too smart there people.

I'm not mad or anything just confused as to the caliber of subs they have at the daycare. So my little bruiser, is litterally a bruise this week.
He looks like he got into some 70's eyeshadow and got 1 eye done before getting caught. The pics was taken about 36 hours after he fell. Today you can hardly see it but if you look for it you can see it.
Thankfully his eye didn't swell up or anything and it didn't seem to hurt cause the only time he even said ow was when Daddy poked it and asked him if it hurt.


Ann said...

That would totally piss me off! Shannon, if he had a concussion, I think you'd be more pissed off at them. They absolutely should have told your Mom about his face plant, or they could have called you about it! I would speak to the manager/director if I were you, to ensure this doesn't happen again.

Hope the little guy's ok!

Shannon said...

I've been there done that with the concussion thing. That's why he's out of the old daycare. I'm to the point now where if I know how it happened and it doesn't warrent a trip to the hospital I laugh. This kid is always bruised up from falling or running into things. At least they filled out an incident report unlike the previous daycare. When he got hurt there they said he didn't vomit so we figured it wasn't a big deal. At this place if he so much and trips they write a report for it.