Engrish of the Day

Engrish of the Day
This is what I need!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Scary resemblance

I once dated this very odd looking man just because my mom hated him and a friend of mine liked him, but he liked me instead...The things we do when we're 15. Well the other day I'm watching Blades of Glory with John Heder and Will Ferrell and all of a sudden the character played by John Heder (Jimmy MacElroy) looks a lot like this ex...So I dug up a picture of the person who me and my BFF nicknamed BIG BIRD and decided to do a side by side comparison.
Joe aka BIG BIRD is on the left, John Heder is on the right

It's scary to me what I dated just to make my mom mad, and creepy that someone famous looks a LOT like him. What do you think?


Ann said...

Oh my! Creepy indeed! You really dated him? Ewwwwww!

Shannon said...

Yes I did. ONLY because a friend of mine had a crush on him and my mom really didn't like him. It didn't work out so good for me either, as he tried to kill me. You live and you learn though.