Engrish of the Day

Engrish of the Day
This is what I need!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hot Yoga- UPDATE

I have started doing hot yoga. And when I say hot boy do I mean it. The room is 105° and 40% humidity, so even if you just sit there you sweat your ASS off. I LOVE IT!! The first day was rough, it's 90 minutes and 26 different postures and I was only able to do about 18 of them. Not very well, mind you. But when class was over I was full of energy and felt awesome! I was starving too, but only ate a salad and was full. That's not even the exciting part. I lost 3.4 lbs and kept it off. It's now been 3 days and it's still gone! I go again at 8pm tonight and am very excited to see what happens.

In the meantime, I have to go grocery shopping. I'll update if I lose anymore weight after class.


Well Class #2 was awesome as well, just as hard but this time I was able to do 1 more pose then Sunday! I'm down 1 more pound too. I'll check in the morning and see if there is a difference and then again when I get home from work...I'm exhausted now though so it's bedtime.


Ann said...

Sounds awesome! Good for you! I'd like to try it, but I don't think I can swing that kind of dough right now...maybe when Big D is working.

Shannon said...

to do a single class where i go it's $17. Or if you do a first time student 1 month unlimited it's $40. The it goes up to $115 monthly for unlimited. It's one of the cheaper yoga places and the ONLY one in my area