Engrish of the Day

Engrish of the Day
This is what I need!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


First off, I updated Wish me Luck! with pics from the surgery. I'm healing as best I can with a bad cold and a toddler to take care of. The Vicodin they gave me isn't doing anything but giving me cotton mouth and then making me tired. Other then that The pain is slowly getting better and I can finally walk up and down the stairs and get in and out of bed myself. I still can't pick up little man without crying, plus I'm not supposed to lift more then 10 lbs for another 4 days and nothing more then 20 for 3 weeks.

So finally 2007 is over. I would like to deem it as the year of bullcocky. It was by far one of the worst years I have had. From day 1 of 2007 things went wrong. Gavin was sick non-stop all year, I had 2 surgeries and many many illnesses. Mike's car broke so many times I can't count. We had several money problems right up to the end of the year. We had to move cause the place we were renting got foreclosed on. Friends got divorced and in accidents and fired. And they had the nerve to coin it the year of luck- HA!!!

So here is to a NEW YEAR, NEW START and hopefully a WONDERFUL 2008!


Ann said...

I like the word "bullcocky" did you make that up just now? :)

My motto is: Great in '08! Can't be worse than '07!

Ann said...

yes it was a shitty year for us also. being a guest of sheriff joe wasn't a highlight. But getting fired doesn't really matter cuz i was leaving anyway. in fact I had told everyone a week earlier that I was going to.

Big Daddy

Shannon said...

i did make that word up on my own just then. Thanks. Vicodin is a friend when being creative. I figured I wouldn't add the Pink handcuffs and flip flops since that's not so much fun in the senario you had to wear them