Engrish of the Day

Engrish of the Day
This is what I need!

Friday, November 16, 2007



My wonderfully ignorant husband is back to snoring again. And this time it's worse then it has been in years. He's had this horrible cough for months upon months now, and I finally got sick of it and sent him to the doctors to get it fixed. They find out he has chronic sinusitis and post nasal drip which combined with smoking (which he thinks I'm oblivious to him still doing) is making him cough. Any person with a little bit of logic would go see an ENT and actually do what they're told.

Nope not my husband, he goes once and gets told he needs 1 of 2 things done and then he never goes back. Well duh- no wonder you not getting better. So today we take him to the allergy dr. to have him tested to make sure nothing household is contributing to his cough. We find out he is allergic to horse, feathers (which he has a feather pillow- sorry honey say bye bye to that) several kinds of weeds and trees (pecan and maple being 2 of them) and roaches. Thankfully we're not gross people, or he'd have a problem. The allergy specialist laughed at him when she found out he was still smoking and complaining about his cough...talk about a here's your sign moment.

She suggested he get a second opinion from another ENT since the other one didn't give us much to work with. It was either spend 2k out of pocket or lets do surgery and see if that helps a little. So Monday I get to schedule an appointment for him, I think I'm going to send him to my ENT since he's done such great work on me. Hubby is now on antibiotics to clear up this sinusitis and they're putting him on something for heartburn cause he's always saying his stomach burns. And she's going to try and get our insurance to approve chantix for him to help him quit smoking.

I married a mess...And I can't sleep, his snoring keeps me up at night cause it sounds like darth vader is in bed next to me with a head cold. So I spend half my night shoving and kicking and slapping him to stop him from snoring and trying to roll him over to his left side since he doesn't snore as loud then. I can't take much more then this, and to top it off I'm supposed to be going back to work in a little over a week. How the heck am I gonna do that if I can't sleep!!!


Ann said...

There's always the couch...for him, not you!

He really should get things taken care of. I was snoring up a storm, found out it was sleep apnea, and when I got my c-pap machine, D called me "Captain Whackadoo" every night, but the snoring stopped! You do what you have to do for your wife, Mike! Hello?????

Big Daddy said...

Three Cheers for Cap'n Wackadoo!! Good Advice

SoloForge said...

Hi, I write at how to stop snoring or help stop snoring