Engrish of the Day

Engrish of the Day
This is what I need!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Quick Update

Well surgery was done on Thursday. I'm recovering quite well. Still kinda sore, if I don't take my pain meds every 4 hours my tongue swells up pretty bad then I can't swallow and can barely breathe, so I'm pretty doped up. I'll blog the whole experience when I can stay focused and awake for longer then 20 minutes.

And yes Ann, I remember texting you!


Ann said...

Awesome! I've been waiting for this update! Liquid Lortab is good stuff!

Big Daddy said...

MIRICLE LOTION WORKS BETTER! Hope your feeling better love big D

Ann said...

OK, so you commented on Big D's blog, so I thought yours would have been updated by now! Hello??

Shannon said...

I'll update tomorrow night, I just stopped taking pain meds and I have an 8 am appointment with the doctor tomorrow to check out the throat. So I will have an update then. Promise!!